16 – 19 I. 2014: 4th winter workshop on history of mathematics
19.11.2013 13:02
“Crossroad, melting pot, asylum, or trap?”
International influences on Prague mathematical culture
Please register by sending an e-mail to helena.durnova@mail.muni.cz by 15 December 2013 (preferably including the title and a short abstract of your talk).
Abstracts received by 5 January 2014 will be included to the pre-conference volume with recommended reading.
Common departure of participants from Brno and Prague will be organised.
In the breaks after lunch, there are cross-country skiing and/or hiking trips planned. In the case of good snow conditions, please pack your skiing equipment. Alternatively, there is a ski rental in the near Nové Město na Moravě.
First announcement is available here (in PDF).