Publications based on the lectures held at the winter workshops
The workshop has so far been a cosy event with a dozen participants. Since the idea of conference proceedings was usually not attractive to all participants, we have refrained from publishing proceedings and prefer to help speakers to place good papers in Czech journal Dějiny věd a techniky (History of Sciences and Technology, cf. its homepage). This peer-reviewed journal, indexed in the ERIH database, e.g., publishes only original articles in history of science and technology and it publishes papers also in English.
Below you can find published versions of some of the talks of previous years:
- Alena Míšková: German University in Prague and German(-speaking) mathematicians in Czechoslovakia (1918–1945). Based on the book Die Deutsche (Karls-) Universität vom Münchner Abkommen bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Prague: Karolinum, 2007. 348 p.
- Jan Kotůlek: Asylum or trap? Jewish Mathematicians in Prague and the Nazi threat 1938–39. Based on the joint paper with R. Nossum, Jewish mathematicians facing the Nazi threat: the case of Walter Fröhlich, Judaica Bohemiae 48 (2013) (2), 69–97.
- Michal Plavec: Kamillo Körner (1868–1942) – Rector of German Technical University in Prague at the time when Albert Einstein was here appointed professor in Prague. Published in: M. V. Šimůnek, A. Kostlán (eds.), Disappeared Science. Biographical Dictionary of Jewish Scholars from Bohemia and Moravia – Victims of Nazism, 1939–1945, Studies in the History of Sciences and Humanities 29 (ÚSD AVČR-Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec – Praha, 2013), p. 117-122.
- Doubravka Olšáková and Helena Durnová: Academic Asylum Seekers in the Communist Czechoslovakia. Published in: M.Stella, S.Štrbáňová, A.Kostlán (eds.), Scholars in exile and dictatorship of the 20th century. Praha: Institute for Contemporary History of the ASCR, 2011. p. 90-103.
- Raffaele Pisano, Popularizing Lazare and Sadi Carnot’s Filial Sciences. Physics Mathematics Relationship. Published in C.C. Gillispie and R. Pisano, Lazare and Sadi Carnot; A Scientific and Filial Relationship. Dordrecht: Springer, 2014. 490 p.
- Doubravka Olšáková, Society for the dissemination of political and scientific knowledge. Published in Věda jde k lidu. Praha: Academia, 2014. 680 p.
- Lisa Rougetet, The Nim game, a popular game to learn some Mathematics. Published as: Nim, le jeu d'allumettes qui met le feu aux poudres! in: Les nouvelles d'Archimède, No. 62, 2013, pp 18-19.
- Paolo Bussotti, Fibonacci, a great mathematician lived in the Middle Ages: between theoretical and practical mathematics. Based on the paper in: F. von Mamoun & K. Ermete (eds.) Kaiser Friedrich II. (1194-1250). Mainz am Rhein: Zabern, 2008, p. 234-249.
- Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, Refugee mathematicians from Nazi-Germany: recent findings with some emphasis on failed and successful emigration to and from Czechoslovakia. Published as: German-speaking migration of mathematicians to and from Czechoslovakia, caused by National Socialism in Germany, Dějiny věd a techniky 45 (2012)(3), 141-166.
- J. Kotůlek and H. Durnová, Emigration of mathematicians to, from and within former Czechoslovakia; with the emphasis on the Nazi period. Published in: Oberwolfach Reports 51 (2011), 2948–2950.
- Ladislav Kvasz: Jazyk a zmena: ako sme menili jazyk matematiky a ako jazyk matematiky zmenil nas. Based on the book Patterns of Change. Linguistic Innovations in the Development of Classical Matematics. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008. In Czech published in a book Jazyk a zmena. Filosofia: Praha, 2012, 60 p.
- Alena Šolcová: Matematika, astronomie a počítače v době vzniku pražského orloje. Partly based on the paper Mistr Jan Šindel — pravděpodobný tvůrce matemarického modelu pražského orloje, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, 54 (2009), 307-317.